Aircraft air conditioning

  • The air conditioner is manufactured as a homogeneous unit in the USA and is used as a portable air conditioner in light aircraft, yachts and as a quality solution for the air conditioning system that operates on a direct voltage of 24V and V12.

Manufacturer Website:

  • Weight and dimensions:

42 Liber 13 “W x 19” H x 13 “D so that the ground pressure meets the limits of aircraft production.

    • Voltage: V12 / V24
    • Output: CFM200 – spins about 4 times all the air in the cabin every 60 seconds for a 4-seater aircraft.
    • Cooling output: 5000 – 7000 BTU
    • Current consumption: 19 – 27 amps


The air conditioning unit is designed for work with varying output depending on the power consumption that the alternator will provide
If the aircraft provides a current of about 19 amps, the unit will provide a minimum output of about 5000 BTU
If the aircraft provides a current of about 27 amps, the unit will provide an output of about 7000BTU
The air conditioner starts working at low output to prevent a relatively high starting current.

    • General weight meets the limits of the aircraft trunk and will be taken into account in weighing the aircraft and calculating the torque C.G.


  • Rom will fix the air conditioner to the floor of the trunk to the original mooring points of the aircraft, in addition to drainage to condensed water and a side opening for condensing air emission by flexible air roll provided by the manufacturer

The air conditioning outside the plane to the atmosphere.

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