Fasti Euro

Rafkol in the refrigeration service for the plastics industry! National service only!


Rafkol Group Ltd. offers advanced cooling and air conditioning solutions, and leads the field of cooling for the plastics industries. Rafkol Ltd. is the exclusive service provider of FASTI and Euro Chiller, Toop temp in Israel, upgrading and streamlining the service system for the plastics industry. Rafkol technicians undergo advanced training in centers abroad at the manufacturer, and maintain continuous contact with them.


CAC-Compressed Air Chiller


Effective compression of frozen air at a temperature of 34 ° C into a plastic container,

Quality firming of the container and improvement in production capacity.

CAC units are units equipped with air lock regulators, special inflating accessories –

All of these allow for high compression of air


MSP-Mold Sweat Protector


Dehumidification units in MSP molds – creating a dry environment around the mold and its surroundings,

Closed by 3-degree airflows, preventing sweating

From the cooling water all year round.


ABF – Air Blown Film


The control of a constant air temperature without changes due to a changing ambient temperature gives an increase of about 30% in the speed and quality of production.

A productive unit 24 hours a year all year round as well as a low-temperature cooling option increases the brightness of the material.

In dual units (ABF Twin Version), the machine is capable of cooling the ring as well as the IBC at different temperatures and in separate control from each other.

The company’s technicians undergo advanced training abroad at the manufacturers and are in continuous contact with them.

Our Clients: